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Friday, August 24, 2012 New ethno-aids to teach students tolerance
Moscow schools to implement Ethno-Moscow book. With it, the authorities plan to teach middle- and high-school students tolerance, told The Izvestia newspaper a spokeswoman for the Moscow department of inter-regional cooperation, national policy and relations with religious organizations Anastasia Starostina.

According to the spokeswoman, the book is purposed to "teach children of different nationalities mutual respect for each other and the traditions." The publication to include information on festivals and other events of national minorities, the "ethnic things" of the city, including mosques, synagogues, and so on. Also the book is expected to include sightseeing tours focused nationally, for example, "Tatar Moscow."

"The publication to be printed for all schools in Moscow. Guidelines for teachers on the use of this book to be developed as well," said Starostina.

New ethno-aids to teach students tolerance

Last update: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:56:55 AM

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