“Today the Russian Pedagogical Society is an absolutely voluntary research and creative circle, aiming at public health and active potential consolidation to promote further social development”, – Tatyana Kisarova, First Deputy-Chairman of the Russian Pedagogical Society, explained.
“For general educational system improvement, as well as for teachers’ self-education, we publish large circulations of books, teacher’s aids, and recommendations on other topical issues, at a reasonable price”.
“One of our top priorities is establishing bonds between Russian professionals and their foreign homologues, engaged in new pedagogical technologies development and distribution”.
“And, of course, it is essential to supervise over our generation “Next”, to balance out its patriotic and globalist inclinations”.
“Today, when we witness lack of ideas for investment, we would like to remind our authorities that around the world education budget is considered to be one of the most attractive investment programmes”. “As far as our “radiant future” is concerned, you have not only to believe in it, but actually do something to quicken its advent. That’s what we do”.
Last update: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:15:47 PM