In 1931 the Leningrad Regional People’s Education Workers Professional Development Institute (7, ulitsa Plekhanova, Saint-Petersburg) was established.
During the first years of WWII the institute suspended its work, resuming only in 1944.
In 1960-70s the bulk of the Russian schooling system took place. The Leningrad Oblast was the primary experimental area of the USSR Ministry of Education to create an approbation system for new textbooks.
The institute initiated evening professional pedagogical retraining programme, implemented new strategies and always accentuated methodology, not surveillance and control, which has always been its distinctive feature.
In 1980-s the institute continued to maintain and develop its best traditions. Despite certain financial difficulties due to perestroika and nationwide reforms, the institute held its head up high, preserving highly qualified personnel.
On January 17, 1997, the Leningrad Regional People’s Education Workers Professional Development Institute (LRPEWPDI) was restructured into the Leningrad Regional Education Development Institute (LREDI). Valeryan Gachko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, held the chair of the LREDI Chancellor from December 23, 1996 to July 25, 1999.
Today the institute is headed by Sergei Lisitsyn, Candidate of History and Social Sciences, Professor.
At present LREDI continues to search for optimal ways of scientific and methodological improvement of teachers’ labours. The results of current research are implemented vigorously in elaboration and practical application of concrete regional educational projects. LREDI participates in international educational projects in cooperation with Poland and Finland.
Last update: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:30:52 AM